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Privacy Policy

The date of this Privacy Policy is February 13th 2022.

Carbon Tokyo Inc. (hereinafter “Carbon Tokyo”) reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we decide to change the Privacy Policy, we will post notice of the change in appropriate places on our website. Your continued use of the website after the date of any revision of the Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.

1. Definition of Personal Information

Carbon Tokyo Inc. recognizes that personal information is information regarding a living individual that can identify a specific individual. Personal Information includes, but is not limited to, your name, email or other address, billing and payment information and other data that can be used to personally identify you.

2. Cookies and IP Address Information

Carbon Tokyo does not consider cookies and IP address information to be personal information because cookies and IP address information cannot be used independently to identify a specific individual. However, Carbon Tokyo will deem cookies or IP address information to be personal information if either is incorporated and used together with personal information. It is possible to set a browser to refuse cookies, however, our service may not be used when a browser is set to refuse cookies.

3. Purpose of Utilization of Personal Information

Carbon Tokyo specifies the purpose of utilization of personal information as follows: Verification of the individual at the time of login; sending information in the form of mail magazine, etc.; render of the services through website of Carbon Tokyo; sending information about the services of Carbon Tokyo; responses to inquiries; communication to the individual; utilization for service development, business administration, or business communication of Carbon Tokyo; execution of contracts; communication and other contact required for the execution of business.

4. Restrictions on Utilization of Personal Information

Carbon Tokyo does not handle your personal information beyond the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of utilization without obtaining your prior consent. However, these restrictions do not apply in any of the following cases: a case in which the handling of personal information is based on any law or ordinance; a case in which the handling of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent; a case in which the handling of personal information is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent; or a case in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperation with a state organ, a local government, or any party delegated by either a state organ or local government to execute affairs prescribed by any law or ordinance and in which obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution of those affairs.

5. Restrictions on Provision to Third Parties

Carbon Tokyo does not provide your personal information to a third party without obtaining your prior consent, except in any of the following cases: a case in which the provision of personal information is based on law or ordinance; a case in which the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent; a case in which the provision of personal information is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent; a case in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperation with a state organ, a local government, or any party delegated by either a state organ or local government to execute affairs prescribed by any law or ordinance and in which obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution of those affairs; or Carbon Tokyo provides notice of or publicly announces any of the following items: 1.the fact that the provision to a third party is included in the purpose of utilization; 2.the items of your personal information to be provided to a third party; 3.the means or method of provision to a third party; or 4.the fact that provision of your personal information to a third party will be discontinued at your request. However, none of the following cases falls under provision to a third party under this article: a case in which Carbon Tokyo completely or partially delegates the handling of your personal information within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purpose of utilization; a case in which your personal information is provided as a result of the succession of business in a merger or otherwise; or a case in which your personal information is utilized jointly with a specific party and in which this fact, the items of your personal information jointly utilized, the scope encompassed by the parties jointly utilizing your personal information, the purpose for which your personal information is utilized by those parties, and the name or title of the party responsible for the management of your personal information is, in advance, notified to you or made readily accessible to you.

6. Personal Information Disclosure

Carbon Tokyo will disclose to you your personal information without delay if you request disclosure. However, Carbon Tokyo may decide not to disclose all or part of your personal information in any of the following cases, and in that case Carbon Tokyo will notify you to that effect without delay: a case in which disclosure is likely to harm your or a third party’s life, body, property, or any other right or interest held by you or a third party; a case in which disclosure is likely to seriously impede the proper execution of Carbon Tokyo’s business; or a case in which disclosure will breach any other law or ordinance. In principle, Carbon Tokyo does not disclose access logs or information other than personal information.

7. Correction, Discontinuance, Erase of Personal Information

If you request Carbon Tokyo to correct, discontinue, or delete any of your personal information, Carbon Tokyo will, after verified your identity, carry our necessary inspection in accordance with relevant law or ordinance. However, this provision does not apply in any case in which Carbon Tokyo cannot verify your identity, or the like. To contact Carbon Tokyo for account erasure requests, email us at info@carbontokyo.com or call at 070-1573-4639.

8. Explanation of Reasons

If Carbon Tokyo decides not to do any of the following despite receiving a request from you, Carbon Tokyo will endeavor to explain the reason for that decision to you when notifying you of that decision: notify the purpose of utilization of your personal information; disclose all or some of your personal information; discontinue utilizing or erase your personal information; or discontinue provision of your personal information to any third party.

9. Inquiries

Please use the following contact details to make any inquiry regarding Carbon Tokyo’s Privacy Policy:

Carbon Tokyo Inc.

TOKYO MINATO-KU ROPPONGI 3-15-25 603 106-0032

TEL: 070-1573-4639

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